It’s hard to live the Christian life on a diet of one 25 minute Bible talk on a Sunday. Our community groups are a great place to meet others no matter your faith background, while pursuing truth together. We currently have 2 groups which include prayer for our practical needs, bible study and food! You don’t have to be a Christian to come along.
We see often in the Bible that Jesus met and discussed theology around meals and so we believe that a meal is an important aspect of the event, a chance to refuel physically as well as spiritually. We hope that you will feel welcome, like you are a part of a family. Contact us if you’re interested in coming.
—Tuesdays 7.15 – 9pm Adult Bible study (with a meal) please contact for address info.
An evening that begins with a shared meal, or for those that cannot make the meal, an 8pm start. After the meal, we read a passage or story from the Bible and then share our understanding, questions and insights of the text. It is informal and you do not have to be a Christian to come along. At the end of the evening we pray together.
—Ladies Bible Study Fridays 9:30-11:30am please contact for address info.
An inductive study of the bible while drinking tea and eating snacks. The group is really relaxed and mothers are welcome to bring their children. The group is used to a toddler or two playing/wondering around or taking turns to hold/entertain children.